Arash is a musicologist, an ethnomusicologist, and an ecomusicologist in academic research. He is also a Persian composer and music teacher whose work draws on Sufi philosophy. Arash’s father, Ali Asghar Khan Zanganeh, was an esteemed Iranian instrument maker and advocated traditional Iranian music. Since his father’s workshop was a centre for the musicians in his childhood, he has been indirectly influenced by their atmospheres.
Hence, Arash grew up in a surrounding musical atmosphere of that period ‘’the heyday of Persian classical music, 1985-2005’’. During his study at the higher conservatory of arts and followed by the University of Science and Culture in Tehran, he has continued to research traditional folk, classical and Sufi music worldwide. Since 1999, He has published 17 music albums and two music books. They are available on the discography page of website and on all global music distribution platforms.
Arash’s interest in world music was ignited by his participation in the Oriental Music Exchange (Tajali Program) in India, sponsored by the Iranian Cultural Attaché in New Delhi in 2000. In the same year, his recording with the great female mystic Abida Parveen, and the recording project Rumi in the Land of Khusrau in honor of Jalāl ad‐Dīn Muhammad Balkhī and Amir Khusrau Dehlavi in India, also inspired his passion for devotional music.
Career Highlights in Australia
2020: 2nd book publication: writing and developing book ‘The Rhythm of Love’ based on philosophies of Sufism.
2019: Composer and Percussionist of Ritual world music; video art performance with Ensemble Diaspora based on Celtic & Sufi music.
2018: Coordinator of Persian music tour of Australia with Alireza Ghrbani and Madakto orchestra (Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane).
2017: Percussionist and coordinator in Persian music tour of Australia with Maestro Shahram Nazeri and Madakto orchestra (Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane).
2017: Music Educator; providing guidance and therapeutic sessions through music via an educational agency (Randstad QLD Australia).
2017: AMEP assessor TAFE QLD Brisbane; providing leadership, direction, and coordination in assessing and case management for AMEP clients at TAFE Queensland.
2016: Percussionist for a Kurdish music tour in Australia with maestro Aziz Shahrokh and Madakto orchestra (Adelaide, Melbourne & Sydney).
2015-16: AMEP Case Manager TAFE QLD Southwest: Communication through music, group engagements, and social communities training programs among academic enthusiasts and migrants.
2013-15: Working intensively with new arrivals as a social worker through music and languages at Logan, Inala, Bundamba & Southbank TAFE Queensland campuses.
2013: Director “Multicultural Night”; public performance held at Southbank Institute of Technology, Australia.
2012: Hosting the ceremony commemoration of the Late Ustad Jalāl Zolfonoon at Griffith University, Queensland College of Art, Australia.
2011-13: Teaching music in Melbourne at the Australian Persian Arts Centre
2010-11: Sufi Art Group music tour across Australia (Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and Gold Coast).
Prior international career highlights
2009 Concert Tour of Australia with the late Ustad Zolfonoon Ensemble (Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane)
2009 Multi-faith multi-cultural concert performance in Brisbane City Hall QLD (Multi-Faith Centre, Griffith University)
2006-08 Commemoration ceremonies for Jalāl ad‐Dīn Muhammad Balkhī (Rumi)'s death, in collaboration with Konya Mystic Music Festival, Turkey.
2000 Oriental Music Exchange participant (Tajali Program) in India, Lucknow, New Delhi & Agra.
2000 Recording with the great female mystic Abida Parveen, with the project “Rumi in the Land of Khusrau” in honour of Jalāl ad‐Dīn Muhammad Balkhī and Amir Khusrau Dehlavi in India,
1999 Concert Tour of Australia with the Late Ustad Zolfonoon Ensemble (Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane)
1998 Concert performance in honor of Late Ustad Hassan Kassaei, Roudaki Grand Hall of Esfahan Iran.
Author Talk
December 2015: 'A Guide to Daf Technique and Middle Eastern Rhythms’; a practical resource with historical and theoretical sections of interest to Western world music enthusiasts interested in cultural diversity in music. (link)
September 2014: ‘Communication through music and Group efforts’ paper; TELLS annual Professional Development Conference - Southbank Institute of Technology - contribution as author and performer. (Tells 2014, Refresh. Refocus)
July 2014: ‘An Artist’s Perspective on Learning Theory in Professional Development, Community Education and Sociology Conference - Southbank Institute of Technology - Contribution as author and researcher. (link)
August 2006: Research into ancient Persian music and philosophy and participation in the Second Symposium in Acknowledgement of Two Great Philosophers of the East (Avicenna and Avennasar) in collaboration with Arak University of Medical Sciences.
May 2007: Cinematographer and Music Director of the film Seven Realms of Love, based on Sheikh Attar’s The Conference of the Birds.
Teaching experience:
2013: Instruction of Youth Music and Aesthetic music at Southbank Institute of Technology (TAFE Queensland Tells...).
2012: Persian rhythms and Frame Drums at Madakto Art Centre, Sydney (face-to-face & online music lesson).
2004-05: Judging Golestan Province Music Festival (Music Association of Golestan) at the Fakhreddin Assad Gorgani concert hall.
2004: Film Music and Art Aesthetic instructor at Art University, Karaj Branch,
2002-04: Music Instruction at Visual Arts and Music conservatory, Karaj City,
2000-01: General Manager of Music Association at Art University of Tehran,
1998-2000: Head of Tamashagah Raz Music Center and instructor of percussion instruments, Tehran.
Daf solo performance 2020
Daf solo performance 2020
Daf solo performance 2020
Daf solo performance 2020
Daf solo performance 2020